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发布时间:2024-06-04 15:24:10


1. 穿戴和佩戴

1.1 Wear + clothing: 这是最常见的用法,表示穿着某种衣服。例如: I always wear a hat when it's sunny.(我在阳光明媚的时候总是戴帽子。)

1.2 Wear + accessory: 这种用法表示戴某种装饰品,如手表、项链、耳环等。例如: She always wears a beautiful necklace to parties.(她总是在聚会时戴着漂亮的项链。)

2. 磨损和消退

2.1 Wear and tear: 表示物品的磨损和损耗。例如: The sofa shows signs of wear and tear after years of use.(沙发经过多年的使用显示出磨损和损耗的迹象。)

2.2 Wear off: 指消失或消退。例如: The paint on the wall is starting to wear off.(墙壁上的油漆开始脱落。)

3. 用坏和失去效果

3.1 Wear out: 意味着用坏或耗尽。例如: The tires on my car are worn out and need to be replaced.(我的车胎已经磨损殆尽,需要更换。)

3.2 Wear thin: 指失去效果或变得乏味。例如: The charm of the book wore thin after reading it multiple times.(多次阅读后,这本书的魅力逐渐淡去。)



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