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发布时间:2024-03-25 17:08:29


1. 数量量

1.1 数量的概念

A quantity is an amount that you can measure or count. For example, a small quantity of water refers to a small amount of water.

1.2 举例说明

For example, we can talk about vast quantities of food when referring to a large amount of food.

2. 大量


大批2.1 大量产品

Things that are cheap to produce in large quantities are often referred to as products that can be produced in large quantities at low cost.

2.2 Enormous/multi-pack quantity

Enormous, vast, or huge quantities of food indicate a very large amount of food.

Multi-pack quantity refers to the quantity in multiple packs, such as a box of 12 bottles of soda.

3. 目标语言: 中文翻译

3.1 汉语翻译

The translation of quantity to Chinese is 量 or 数量.

3.2 例句说明

For example, please tell me the brand name, quantity, and invoice number if you wish to know the specific details of a product.

4. 词源分析

4.1 拉丁语起源

The word "quantity" originates from the Latin word "quantus," which means 'how much' or 'how many.'

4.2 英文词源

In English, "quantity" comes from Latin quantus, which meant 'how much' or 'how many.' It is derived from the Latin word "qui," meaning 'who,' 'what,' or 'how,' and PIE*kwo, a stem of interrogative pronouns.


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